Dr. Bhojane Bharat Shripati
Business Consultant
M.Sc. (Agri.) Agronomy, MBA
32+ Years of Work Experience
Ability and Strength (Quality & Quantitative):
- 32 years of global experience in the field of high-tech agriculture.
- Protected cultivation, tissue culture, and plant propagation.
- Techno-commercial skills of setting up agriculture projects.
- Nutrition and plant protective in agriculture.
- New product launch.
- Training of staff.
Ability Used Till Now For Company Development:
- Training of staff/employees.
- Product assessment as per market need.
- Sourcing new product from overseas.
- New product imports from overseas.
- Supporting staff for solving field issues.
Future Scope and Contribution For New Products/Business:
- Development of new products.
- Product development based on current demand.
- Collaboration of new companion from overseas
- Export of our products to overseas.
- Developed B-B business in India.