Dr. Vilas Mundhe

Head, Research and Development Bio Fertilizers & Bio Pesticides
M.Sc., Ph.D.  (Agriculture)  in Plant Pathology Discipline

14+ Years of Work Experience


M.Sc. (Agriculture in Plant Pathology) Studies on Foot Rot of Nagli (Eleusine Coracana) and its Management.

Ph.D. (Agriculture in Plant Pathology) Management of Early Blight of Tomato Incited By Alternaria Solani.

  • Training Programme on Mushroom Production Technology, Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan (H.P.), India
  • HRD Training Programme on Plant Protection in kharif Crops, Directorate of Extension Education, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani (Maharashtra), India
  • National Trainers Training Programme on “Planning & Implementation Of Watershed Project” Under New Common Guidelines. Yashwantrao Chavhan Academy Of Administration & Development (YASHDA), Baner Road, Pune (Maharashtra), India.
  • Training On Management Of Citrus Crop In Marathwada Region , Training on Indexing of mother plants for production of disease free planting material and Nursery management of citrus, National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur (Maharashtra) , India.
  • Training on On-Farm Production of Biocontrol Agents and Microbial Biopesticides National Institute Of Plant Health Management ,Rajendra nagar (Hyderabad ), India.

Contribution to Apex:

  • Manufacturing Different types of Bacterial NPK fixation and micronutrient bio fertilizer.
  • Manufacturing Different types of Bacterial , Fungal Bio pesticide.
  • Conducted extensive research on different biological products, laboratory analysis and field investigations.
  • Collaborated with interdisciplinary teams of Scientists and Researcher
  • Prepared detailed reports and presentations on research findings and project progress, effectively conveying complex information to team members and stakeholders.
  • Sharing research findings and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of agriculture
  • Participate in different licensing procedures of company, Documentations, seminars, Farmer Meetings , Kisan Goshti , records maintain of different Government and Private agencies like State Department, CIB, Ecocert etc.
  • To maintain purity and sub culturing of different Bacterial, fungal master cultures and multiplication of there in pure form and use there in commercial formulations of different biological products.
  • Research and development in different biological products, conducts different trials in vivo and in vitro according to farmers interactions, marketing team, Field officers with emerging agriculture problems.
  • Participating in solving and advising farmers overall  agriculture problems related to Soil, pest diseases , Nutrient management and yield etc. 
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